“Philippine Children’s Songs, Spoken Rhymes and Games for Teaching, Books One and Two” offer a rich anthology of songs, spoken rhymes, and games aimed at teaching musical concepts and skills from pre-kindergarten to tertiary levels. These materials were primarily gathered by the researcher/author through extensive fieldwork research, supplemented with secondary sources from theses, dissertations, and existing song collections. These compilations are the product of groundbreaking research conducted in the early 2000s by the author, focusing on indigenizing and localizing the Philippine Music Education Program.
The books stem from a study that informed the author’s doctoral dissertation entitled “A Model of Sequential Music Teaching Utilizing Philippine Vocal Materials,” presented at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.
These books provide more than just an anthology; they serve as practical models for a sequence to teaching rhythm and melody using a systematic process developed through these major research components: 1) collection and gathering of Philippine children’s folk songs, spoken rhymes and musical folk games; 2) transcription into notation; 3) translation of the materials into English and translation of selected materials into Filipino, the national language; 4) analysis; and 5) classification and systematization of the materials. Systematization resulted in the development of a sequential music teaching model utilizing Philippine vocal materials.
These collections provide more than just transcribed materials; they also include original audio recordings from diverse sources in the field. These informants represent not only a variety of ethnolinguistic groups in the Philippines, but also span across different ages, genders, economic statuses and occupations. They hail from both rural and urban environments, adding to the rich tapestry of perspectives in these collections.
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