Tarong, Kamatis, Paria (Eggplant, Tomato, Bitter Melon)

Sing along to the flavors of Ilocano tradition with ‘Eggplant, Tomato and Bitter Melon’ in this musical tale of culinary delight!


This delightful song tells an engaging tale that highlights the Ilocanos’ robust tradition of incorporating delicious and healthy vegetables into their daily diet. Children are bound to be captivated by this song as they join ‘Eggplant, Bitter Melon, and Tomato’ in their whimsical dispute over who tastes the best! Through the trio’s boastful assertions, one can’t help but realize that pinakbet―a beloved vegetable dish or ‘dinengdeng’ in Ilocano cuisine―would not be as flavorful or complete without each of them.

This book includes musical notation of the song with chords. It also suggests a variety of activities designed to foster interdisciplinary connections and enhance student learning. Lastly, this delightful children’s songbook includes three downloadable audio tracks.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 7.5 × 9.25 × 0.12 in
Product Type

Audio Recording, Print

Product Format

MP3, Trade Paperback

Product Collection

Children's Book, Read and Sing with Me Book

Publication Date



English, Filipino, Ilocano

Print Length

24 pages

Audio Recording

Filipino Vocals with Piano Accompaniment, Ilocano Vocals with Piano Accompaniment, Instrumental Accompaniment Only


Children, Music Teachers, Parents


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